Friday, November 13, 2009


Snitching hahahahaha.....?????? Where did that really come from? Was it the dope boy on the corner or was it the police or even was it you brother???? let break this down the Brother Blazc Dot ask, does this mean if your a dope dealer coming into my community that i shouldn't call the police on him or her?? Or does it mean that my Blog is a source of snitching because I'm trying to bring awareness to my community,,,,hmmm think about that...some would feel better if i shut this site down and keep my readers ignorant,,,But that i w=one thing i will not bow down too..."ignorance" so, No its not snitching...But what is snitching...The Brother makes a great point that the government and law enforcement want to solve murders such as "Tupac", "Biggie" but they say STOP SNITCHING,,,,what????? all that phase is a cliche'...a Hip hop word,,an antonym...Not correct because if you do something that i have nothing to do with and the are talking about putting me in jail for the rest of my natural life....and i had absolutely nothing to do with the planning are caring it out....I'm tell......what would you do???????

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

When are we as a commuity going to start demanding?

When is Springfield as a community going to start demanding that something be done in our neighborhoods. Such as crimes, drugs, and teenage awareness... Remember people we elected theses people so we need to demand change in our community...

Reviving our commuity

There are alot of things wrong in our commuinty, the first issue that we are going to tackle are our children. Because that is where everything starts "is our kids". Why are there so many kids not performing at a high level in our city school system? Why do parents see the need to take their children to other districts?
If you would sign up and use the following feature that way we know who we are speaking to but you want to st anonymous that is ok also.
So lets discuss i want to see passionate comments....