Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Community Meeting @ SHS on 12/1/09 pt 1

The topic was chanrge to te guiding group....
7 topics or shopuld i say 7 polls that they took with out all or the majority of the parents involement...
a. caring community
b. student activities
c. student to student relationships
b. two way communication
3. Expectations
a. Behavour
b. future

the stats show on the parents servey that 28 parents too the servey....28 Parents that is all we have that cares about there children????wow...!!!!out of 168 serveys issued out 28 returned...
The stats show that 0-4 that the parents advage 2.02 wich means the dont agree with the question..question are does the community help at the school, attend activities school meeting,ect and support them...and the consensus says "no"...And i agree with that because to many people complain about what the school dont do but dont support thier childrens activities, it could be the Math club Chess club Drama or sports. No we something else to do...What do you have to do in your life that you cant time out for your kids...Oh yea read the Springfield News and Sun today three young kids are loosing their lives...16years old kid will be tried as an adult in a murder and two others ages range from 21-27..And you dont have time for your children future..See what it gets you not taking time out for your kids...a death that what you really want????? to be continued

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wake up

To all of the springfielders that sitting back being comfortable with our school district...their is a meeting tonight at SHS @ 6 pm....Go and hear how many people white and black and other races are having problem with the school system wake your comfortable ass up...get to that meeting...if you care about our kids....