Wednesday, November 11, 2009

When are we as a commuity going to start demanding?

When is Springfield as a community going to start demanding that something be done in our neighborhoods. Such as crimes, drugs, and teenage awareness... Remember people we elected theses people so we need to demand change in our community...


  1. we all need to come together for one common goal and that is the childfren

  2. I'm with all positive things for our kids and community

  3. we need more concerned citizens not just to say what is wrong in our community but to be part of a solution

  4. yall need to come to the meetings at the schools and stop all the complaining when things arent like you want it

  5. i will be at the meeting on dec 1 and on the 6th complaining is one thing but seeing the effects of what they are not doing is another and i'm tied of it...and you should be too..our whole community should be...that why we see kids on the corner selling dope and we just say "dam he could have been something" so i'm trying to gtet to the root of things

  6. The key word is community. So many people do not even know their neighbors and do not care about anyone but the ones in thier household. We should care about all the children in the community and look out for them, the elderly, our property, etc.

  7. I think that schools should start drug testing kids because I know a lot of kids (16 to 13)that smoke weed and there parents dont even know about it. Thats another reason why some kids dont play sports anymore because they rather be with their friends and smoke, then do something positive with there lives.

  8. Rob I have been speaking with Chief Moody about brining back the Police Athletic League. I agree something needs to be done in this city! Things arent like they was when we grew up. These youth dont have respect for anyone or life. Its going to a committment from us all to turn this thing around. I like your energy and passion about this, lets hook up and get it done!

    Paul Miller
