Friday, August 6, 2010

Springfield Wildcat Springfield High School just lost our Head Coach for Basketball, Darnell we are sad to see you go...But good luck!!!

Now this is, well it should be the straw the broke the camel's back....!!!! Meaning our community needs to get behind someone that we respect as a man or woman and has ties to our community and that knows our children and last but the most important of all has the respect from our children and our parents. Cause if they don't have that respect the will never achieve the goal they have set forth. And that is putting some parents in their place "Telling them that this is my program i will run it the way that i want!!!!!" Cause he or she has to have the children at heart first, Then they must!!!!!, tell the so-called AD's at the high school "Stop putting our children to side and stop focusing all the resources on baseball, Girls softball and other sports that is not bringing in the revenue like Boys basketball and the football program does. we all should know why these non elite programs get more attention and more resources...why?????? well Greg Newland at one point was the ladies softball coach over at Springfield South high and Mark Stoll was the Baseball coach at Springfield North high, so they are going to look out for self, and our tax dollars are paying these guys salaries, approximately 80k a year?????? SO Springfield what are you prepared to do???????