Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I’m ok now after talking to a really  good friend he put things in perspective for me....I love my girls but I wish they wasn’t tainted by outside entities… but that’s Springfield for ya …But understand this if you know me you know that I will not bite my tongue and you know I will speak my mind…deal with it or not…I really don’t give a shit. But I here for the girls and them only not parents not spectators that try to tell me how to coach…NO I here for the girl only… so they can succeed in life or at lease have some tools to succeed…

Monday, February 22, 2010

beehind the eight ball

Frustration is setting in....this is the main reason that i stop coaching girls basketball...stupid ass so called parents...think their kids are the next cheryl swoops and cant make a fucn lay up...and dont want them to be taught..How the game is played...and they do not understand that our city is SO so so so far behind the eight ball when it come to womens basketball....but i think im going solo this next go around,,,,and we have these so men that are in a position of authority wont open their fuckn mouths to say hey this is wrong....naw that is to much to ask....that is why i flying solo