Sunday, November 15, 2009

You can't tell me what to do?

Before i post this i want you to understand that I'm not bashing young parents.....But want I'm trying to do is give good advise and information to all who don't have it or haven't sat back and thought about it or heard it from a third party......

I know a young lady that has a 10 year old son and he is a good kid for the most part but he has his issues, with that being said, he has some problems in school," but want 10 year old black child don't" and i sere this little boy just run around from neighborhood to neighborhood like he is 15 or 16 years of age...Now i have a problem with that,,, My problem is,,, there so much bulls@@t out here in the street why would you let your 10 year old run a muck like that????? I know that this kid is lazy, he don't play any sports he don't do anything but play video games.. "Just the other day my brother ands i was speaking to our great aunt and she was instrumental in raising all of us, so the question that was pose to her was why does my other brother give his children choices?" "she immediately say, Boy you and your brothers did have a choice you did what we said and that was that"...and that is my philosophy in raising my children.. If i say you playing football or if i say you not going outside till you homework is done or you bedroom better be clean before you turn that game on...Dammit that is what i mean!!!! So where did we as a community get away from that..First off you all know that i coached ladies basketball for years, the thing that we ran into all the time was the girls didn't want to work hard and the complained alot..And parent try to tell me the reason why the child cant do this certain drill...that burns me up so much...Will all know someone that has a child or children that has hidden talent but the child tells their mom or dad that they don't want to play for whatever reason...that's bulls@@t.....Do you know what your doing to your child????? And you will wonder why when he or she get 16 or 17 and you try to tell them something and the tell you " You cant tell me what to do"... Think about it......


  1. Well the problem with most children starts with the parents. Most parents are looking for an easy way out. Raising children takes a lot of work and sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice to raise your child? How hard are you wiling to work at being a good role model for you child?

  2. In my own situation: My kids are growing up with their dad. Since they were 5 they were told they can make their own adult decisions. Then when they came here and weren't allowed that freedom it became a "RESPECT" issue. well, if you aren't going to respect me then we aren't coming to see you anymore. In which I constantly thought. I am your parent and respect is something you get as an adult. Until you are 18 and out on your own. You will do as I say. Well, needless to say it has been over a yr since the kids have been here. For the most part they are good kids. But, with very little boundaries. I think it does lie with the parents 100%.
