Friday, August 6, 2010

Springfield Wildcat Springfield High School just lost our Head Coach for Basketball, Darnell we are sad to see you go...But good luck!!!

Now this is, well it should be the straw the broke the camel's back....!!!! Meaning our community needs to get behind someone that we respect as a man or woman and has ties to our community and that knows our children and last but the most important of all has the respect from our children and our parents. Cause if they don't have that respect the will never achieve the goal they have set forth. And that is putting some parents in their place "Telling them that this is my program i will run it the way that i want!!!!!" Cause he or she has to have the children at heart first, Then they must!!!!!, tell the so-called AD's at the high school "Stop putting our children to side and stop focusing all the resources on baseball, Girls softball and other sports that is not bringing in the revenue like Boys basketball and the football program does. we all should know why these non elite programs get more attention and more resources...why?????? well Greg Newland at one point was the ladies softball coach over at Springfield South high and Mark Stoll was the Baseball coach at Springfield North high, so they are going to look out for self, and our tax dollars are paying these guys salaries, approximately 80k a year?????? SO Springfield what are you prepared to do???????

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day!!!!!

I can only speak from what i know and that is being a father "Dad" that is a hard job that i still and will never perfect..But these "so-called" men that claimed to be Fathers cause the laid down with someone to make a child and they are not lending a hand to take care of them...i cannot and will not give any day. So all you men that have children that are not taking care there seeds "YOU AIN'T SHIT"

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stand up!!!!!

we as men need to stop getting offensive when someone that is a
authority tell us "black men" to step up and take your place!!! also i
understand that SOME black females are not doing their job BUT i know
the black woman has had patience with us "black man" for generations
and have been by our side waiting on us to stop messing w/white women
and stop being permisquis and stop indulging in a destructive

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I’m ok now after talking to a really  good friend he put things in perspective for me....I love my girls but I wish they wasn’t tainted by outside entities… but that’s Springfield for ya …But understand this if you know me you know that I will not bite my tongue and you know I will speak my mind…deal with it or not…I really don’t give a shit. But I here for the girls and them only not parents not spectators that try to tell me how to coach…NO I here for the girl only… so they can succeed in life or at lease have some tools to succeed…

Monday, February 22, 2010

beehind the eight ball

Frustration is setting in....this is the main reason that i stop coaching girls basketball...stupid ass so called parents...think their kids are the next cheryl swoops and cant make a fucn lay up...and dont want them to be taught..How the game is played...and they do not understand that our city is SO so so so far behind the eight ball when it come to womens basketball....but i think im going solo this next go around,,,,and we have these so men that are in a position of authority wont open their fuckn mouths to say hey this is wrong....naw that is to much to ask....that is why i flying solo

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

People flee into streets as aftershock hits Haiti

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - The most powerful aftershock yet struck Haiti on Wednesday, shaking more rubble from damaged buildings and sending screaming people running into the streets eight days after the country's capital was devastated by an apocalyptic quake.

Later lowered to 5.9 after initially being reported as magnitude 6.1, the temblor was the largest of more than 40 significant aftershocks that have followed the Jan. 12 quake.

The new quake collapsed seven buildings in Petit-Goave, the seaside town closest to the epicenter, according to Mike Morton of the U.N. Disaster Assessment and Coordination agency. But there were no reports of people crushed or trapped, perhaps because the earlier quake frightened most people into sleeping outside.

Wails of terror rose from frightened survivors as the earth shuddered at 6:03 a.m. U.S. soldiers and tent city refugees alike raced for open ground, and clouds of dust rose in the capital.

The U.S. Geological Survey said Wednesday's quake was centered about 35 miles northwest of Port-au-Prince and 6.2 miles below the surface — a little further from the capital than last week's epicenter was.

"It kind of felt like standing on a board on top of a ball," said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Steven Payne. The 27-year-old from Jolo, West Virginia was preparing to hand out food to refugees in a tent camp of 25,000 quake victims when the aftershock hit.

Last week's magnitude-7 quake killed an estimated 200,000 people in Haiti, left 250,000 injured and made 1.5 million homeless, according to the European Union Commission

So, let’s talk, I have strong mixed feeling about this situation. First I want everyone to get evolved with the Haiti relief because that is my people.. African that was brought over to Haiti, Peru, Dominic Republic, Cuba, and Barbados that was slaves from the southern tip of Africa… So I say “Hell ya “Help my people…But on the other hand what about the relief here in the united states in Springfield, Ohio the Bronx New York Richmond California Mesa AZ etc…. so come-on we have black people here dying on the streets not by earthquakes but by man made thing such as poverty, domestic violence, drugs, police brutality ect….So what should I do???? worry about someone that I don’t know or something that will not effect me and my family or walk in prophet Muhammad and Jesus shoes and help all God’s children or help that brother on my block????

Monday, January 18, 2010


Basketball,,,,life lessons,,,, i have a little girl that plays basketball for me and this little girl is so far behind "when it comes to the game of basketball" and the other day we had a rough game. girls wasnt listening and we got i really laid into the girls not brutal but very strong...Now Mom called me  yesterday telling me that her daughter wants to quit..I told Mom "no" im not letting any of my girls quit because the must learn how to commit to something and that will help them later in i told Mom to give it a couple of days and then we will get back to it....what do ypou think??????